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(Nov 25, 2024) Seonghui, Yukyung, Chiara, and Sukhyun conducted an 1-day outreach program of infectious disease epi course at Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency

(Nov 6-8, 2024) Seonghui, Chiara, and Sukhyun conducted a 2-day outreach program of infectious disease epi course at the National Center for Communicable Diseases, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

(Oct 29, 2024) Taegu and Seunghyun received the outstanding poster presentation award from Korea Society of Preventive Medicine

(Oct 29, 2024) Junseo received the outstanding student presentation award from Korea Society of Preventive Medicine

(Sept 1, 2024) Sukhyun started to serve as the review member of Institutional Review Board at Seoul St'Mary Hospital by Catholic Medical Center, Korea

(July 18, 2024) Prof. Lorrenzo Pellis , from Manchester University, UK, visited our lab

(April 9, 2024) Prof. Benjamin J. Cowling , from The University of Hong Kong, China, visited our lab

(April 9, 2024) Prof. Helen Y. Chu , from The University of Washington, US, visited our lab

(March 4, 2024) Our lab is now settled at the Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine

(August 24, 2023) Dayeong and Sukhyun contributed to the Korean case-report on COVID-19 and nonpharmaceutical intervention in the the Royal Society Report

(June 29, 2023) Sukhyun was invited to present "Impact of Public Health and Social Measures on SARS-CoV-2 in South Korea" at the 8th CIJK Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, Jeju, South Korea

(Mar 22, 2023) Our study on mpox transsibility is now published at Journal of Travel Medicine (IF=39.1) in collaboration with a colleague at Korea University and National Medical Center in Korea

(Mar 22, 2023) Sukhyun was invited to present "SARS-CoV-2 transmission in South Korea" at Australia-Korea Tech Bridge Workshop

(Mar 1, 2023) Sukhyun started to serve as the Associate Editor for Public Health Weekly Report by Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency

(Dec 22, 2022) Chiara received the outstanding student award from National Institute for International Education

(Dec 6, 2022) Sukhyun received an award for contribution to infectious disease education from the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare

(Nov 26, 2022) Chiara was awarded the best presentation award (Immunodynamics after SARS-CoV-2 infection) at the Korean Association of School of Public Health

(Sept 21, 2022) Sukhyun started to serve as the Topic Editor for Frontiers in Public Health in collaboration with colleagues in Brazil and China

(Aug 12, 2022) Our study on relaxation of public health and social measure and transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 in South Korea is now published at JAMA Network Open (IF=13.3) in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Hong Kong and Kyung Hee University.

(Jul 28, 2022) Our study on North Korea and COVID-19 is now published at Journal of Travel Medicine in collaboration with a colleague at Mahidol University in Thailand.

(May 1, 2022) Sukhyun started to serve as the Associate Editor for Journal of Rural Medicine and Community Health

(Mar 1, 2022) Sukhyun started to serve as the Guest Editor for Viruses

(Jan 1, 2022) Sukhyun continues to serve as the Associate Editor for Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health by Korean Society for Preventive Medicine and BMC Infectious Diseases by Springer Nature (since 2020)

Press related COVID-19

Dec 28, 2021 Estimating the epidemic potential of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in South Korea. News Medical

Aug 2, 2021 ‘코로나19와 함께 살아가기’ 논의, 아직은 이르다. 한겨레

Apr 19, 2021 코로나19 거리두기 장기화로 항생제 남용 줄었다. 동아사이언스

Dec 29, 2020 코로나 끝나도 또다른 감염병 유행 대비해야. 매일경제

Dec 17, 2020 코로나19 자가격리 위반자 처벌 강화…효과는 ‘미미’. 메디컬투데이

Dec 16, 2020 새 감염 추적 전략이 필요하다…1,2차 유행 역학조사 역량 개선 못해. 동아사이언스

Dec 13, 2020 3차 대유행 현실화… 거리두기 3단계로 격상하나. 동아사이언스

Oct 4, 2020 NPIs reduced SARS-CoV-2 transmission in South Korea. News Medical

June 18, 2020 현 방역정책 더는 효과 없어. 동아사이언스

June 17, 2020 한국 공중보건활동 후 코로나 전파력 최대 33% 감소. 중앙일보

June 17, 2020 한국 코로나19 방역활동 효과 있었다. 동아일보

Mar 13, 2020 East vs. West: Coronavirus Fight Tests Divergent Strategies. Wall Street Journal

Feb 21, 2020 “중국 유학생 입국시 최대 813명 코로나19 감염 위험” 연구결과 공개. 동아사이언스

Feb 03, 2020 中서 입국제한, 하려면 강하게 시행해야. 매일경제

Jan 28, 2020 우한폐렴 환자 격리까지 시간 줄여야. 매일경제